
From Taylor on 1701 French Roast
“I dig this coffee. I don’t know what else to say besides the fact that it’s good as heck. ”

Detroit turns 317 years old this year and it all started back in 1701 when Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac established a fort and settlement here. The name Detroit means “strait” in French language, and is derived from the narrow  (Detroit) river connecting Lake St. Clair with Lake Erie in Michigan.  Here in Detroit, as we ring in this New Year we honor our rich and long history, full of hardworking humans of every race, creed and color that make ours one hearty big town;  with small town love.  Hears to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2018 for every Detroiter and,  to the bit of Detroit that’s  in us all.
#bebold #detroitbold