The great civil rights icon, to whom we pay national tribute to on the 3rd Monday of every January said that about the Detroit March to Freedom which happened over five decades ago. At the time, the March down Woodward Ave was the largest civil rights gathering of any kind to take place in the United States and marked the first public oration of his legendary “I Have A Dream” speech. The Detroit March To Freedom was a precursor to the famous March on Washington several weeks later.

Dr King speaks to a capacity crowd at Cobo Hall in Detroit, MI on June 23, 1963.
Detroit Bold is proud to be a part of the fabric of this community and honors Dr. King’s quest for social and economic justice for all citizens of color. We stand with our fellow Detroiters in finding peaceful solutions to injustice wherever it rears its ugly head. Until bigotry and racism have been completely eradicated, we can not rest.
Detroit has come along way since the riots of 1967. But then again, Detroit has had race riots in 1943 and 1863 as well. It will take a firm resolve in the hearts and minds of all of us to never recede from progress towards equality and justice for all.
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