Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we know you all are joyfully anticipating the chance to fill yourselves full with delicious food and share great memories with those you love. However, Detroit Bold Coffee Co. would like to offer you an opportunity to add more purpose and fulfillment to your Thanksgiving celebrations. Take part in our #MillionCupMarch initiative and substantially impact your community. Your involvement won’t require any extreme effort. All you have to do is purchase coffee! Easy-peasy, right?
For every pound of Detroit Bold coffee you purchase, we give 3 cups of coffee to someone in need. For every 3 lb bundle of Detroit Bold coffee you purchase, we give 9 cups to people in need. Lastly, for every 4 lb bag of Detroit Bold coffee you purchase, we give 12 cups of coffee to people in need.
We are currently at 198,580 cups sold, which leaves us at 801,420 to go! This goal is certainly accomplishable, especially with YOUR support.
This Thanksgiving, lead your celebration with the holiday’s most consequential values, sacrifice and generosity, to create a strong and prosperous community.